Tag Archives: measure


© elfruler 2019-2020

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Photos here are from the 2019 breeding season in a Bald Eagle’s nest in Bluff City, TN, broadcast live by East Tennessee State University, and are used by permission.  Click here for link to the live cam.  The focus here is on the elder of two eaglets, BC14.  Many thanks to Michelle France and Donna Young for helping to collect the screen captures and tell the story.

Measurements are derived or calculated mainly from Bortolotti 1984a, 1984c, and 1984d, and Gerrard and Bortolotti 1988 (Click here for References).  Numbers given here are in the ball park but will vary from one eaglet to another.   % indicates the proportion a particular measurement bears to its value at the juvenile’s full size (Click here for information about taking measurements.)

BC14 hatched at 10:32 a.m. on 3/11/19.  The cam provided a rare bird’s-eye (pun intended) view of how an eaglet uncurls itself from inside the egg in the first few seconds of hatching. 

I’ve slowed the stream to 10% of normal speed and added arrows to indicate the back, head, left wing, right wing, beak, tail, legs and feet, egg tooth (yes! the egg tooth!), umbilicus, and receding yolk sac of the hatchling. The eaglet has its back to us and its head is down, tail up.

In the weekly galleries below, click on photos for larger views and to scroll through images.  The numbering of Days refers to the age of BC14; Day 0 is Hatch Day, Day 1 is 24 hours after hatch, etc.  

The eaglet is hatched with pink skin covered by a thin layer of light gray natal down.  The beak and cere are gray, facial skin is dark, legs and feet are pinkish-cream-colored, eye ring is dark and protruding.  The eaglet is weak, with limited mobility, balance, and vision.

Day 0
91g (2%)
11mm (21%)
9mm (26%)
16mm (11%)

Skin color changes from pink to bluish-gray, feet and legs are cream-colored; cere turns from pale gray to pale yellow.  Steadily gains strength and balance through the week, gaining ability to take food, “swim” on belly with wings and legs, escape from nest cupEyes focusing better, seeking out and imprinting on parents.  Sibling competition begins.  Natal down and egg tooth remain through the week.

Day 6
300g (6%)
(F 29%, M 31%)

Skin around eyes becomes lighter gray.  Supraorbital ridge more prominent by mid-week.  Egg tooth disappears.  Cere turns gray, rictus of mouth pale yellow.  Feet are beginning to grow rapidly; talons are beige and growing.  Second down appears as early as Day 6.  Juvenal contour feathers (pin feathers) start to emerge on wings, back, and legs by week’s end; male’s remiges emerge earlier than female’s.  (The contour feathers emerge from the natal down follicles and push the natal down out as they grow.)  Facial bristle feathers emerging around eyes and beakReaching out for food more actively; backing up to nest edge to slice; walking sturdily on hocks; preening, stretching, flapping, and scooting as far out as the nest rails.

Day 13
950g (20%)
(F 45%, M 48%)
(F 58%, M 63%)
F 88mm (60%)
M 87mm (66%)

Growth spurt begins and size differences between male and female develop, especially in weight, beak length, foot pad, and 8th primary feather.  Females are larger, but males grow earlier and more quickly.  By mid-week, female is gaining 70-180g per day, male 80-150g per day.   Beak and feet growing rapidly.  Talons turn from beige to black.  Second down thickens, approaching ability to thermoregulate.  Some second down is growing on the front of the upper region of the tarsometatarsi.  Wing primary and covert feathers lengthen, pushing out natal down at the tips; primaries grow a little over 7mm per dayContour feathers emerge on back, shoulders, legs, and breast.  Rectrices start to emerge by mid-week. Beginning to stand on toes briefly.  Stretching and rousing, pellet casting, resting on the rails.

Day 20
F 1750g (34%)
M 1500g (37%)
(F 57%, M 61%)
F 24mm (69%)
M 23mm (70%)
F 109mm (74%)
M 108mm (82%)

Growth spurt continues.  Remiges are increasingly measurable. Rictus of mouth is yellow.  Second down covers entire body except on top of head where natal down layer is still prominent (resulting in that famous “mohawk” look).  Head, neck, and side contour feathers coming in.  Pecking at food, grasping and playing with nesting materials, wobbly toe-walking by the end of the week.  Sibling competition transitions into play.

Day 27
F 3000g (59%)
M 2400g (60%)
(F 72%, M 77%)
F 27mm (81%)
M 25mm (83%)
F 125mm (85%)
M 115mm (87%)
Day 27-33
F 64-70mm
M 74-80mm

Energy demands for metabolism and growth peak by Day 30, then weight gain tapers off.  Feet nearly full size by week’s end and are turning yellow.  Stretching, flapping, preening, and more confident toe-standing and -walking. Standing on nest twigs as if on a branch, practicing holding with toes and talons.  Parents hold food further away to encourage reaching; eaglet may lunge for food and attempt to tear off bites with beak; hasn’t yet mastered the skill of holding food down with feet.

Day 34
F 3500g (69%)
M 3000g (72%)
F 29mm (85%)
M 27mm (87%)
F 142mm (97%)
M 129 (98%)
Day 32-38
F 100-106mm
M 110-116mm

At week’s end the eaglet is about 3/4 of full weightFeet are nearly full grown.  Toes and tarsometatarsi fully grown (making banding possible).  Legs, feet, lores, and rictus of mouth are yellow. Stretching and flapping, standing securely, grabbing and mantling food as it is delivered, tearing food more effectively.  Grasping and playing with nest materials with talons and beakVocalizations transitioning from chirps to persistent chittering and loud “squees,” especially at parental visits and food deliveries.

Day 41
F 3800g (75%)
M 3300g (73%)
F 31mm (88%)
M 29mm (90%)
F 146mm (99%)
M 130 (98%)
Day 37-43
F 136-142mm
M 146-152mm

From Days 40-45 growth of beak and feet slows; feet and legs will be fully grown by Day 50.  Contour feathers on front of the upper region of  the tarsometatarsi emerging.  Wing flapping becoming more vigorous, flap-hopping higher.  Standing on the rails to slice. Long stretches of standing and looking out, or sleeping on the rails.

Day 48
F 4500g (88%)
M 3500g (88%)
F 32mm (90%)
M 30mm (92%)
F 147mm (100%)
M 132mm (100%)
Day 42-48
F 171-177mm
M 181-187mm

Contour feathers on sides and belly filling in.  Whitish sheaths still visible at bases of remiges and upper- and underwing coverts.  Confident standing.  More effective self-feeding, but still relies on parents for most feedings; grabbing, stealing, and mantling food.  Vigorous flapping, lifting off, enjoying the wind.  May begin branching, perhaps with 1-2 flaps, often by stepping.

Day 55
F 4600g (90%)
M 3700g (92%)
F 33mm (93%)
M 30mm (93%)
Day 47-53
F 207-213mm
M 217-233mm

After about Day 60 growth tapers off except beak, hallux claw, and flight feathersSome remnants of sheaths at bases of wing coverts.  Juvenal body feathers nearly complete except on wings and tail; contour feathers on flanks still filling in, as well as on the upper region of  the tarsometatarsiAxillary feathers (wingpits) mostly white.  Aggressively grabbing and attempting to steal food from parents and siblings.  Flapping results in hovering in mid-air for several seconds.  Siblings watch, mimic, and play with each other.  Branching likely.

Day 62
F 4800g (94%)
M 3850g (96%)
F 54mm (98%)
M 49mm (95%)
F 33mm (94%)
M 30mm (94%)
Day 52-58
F 243-249mm
M 253-259mm
Day 57-63
F 278-284mm
M 288-294mm

Lower leg feathers are thickening.  Aggressive food grabbingstealing, and mantling.  Confident one-foot perching and preening on branches.  Vigorous flapping and long hovers.  Sometimes stumbles when landing, learning to use wings to regain balanceFledging is possible from Weeks 10-13.  Males usually fledge 3-4 days before females.

Day 62-68
F 314-320mm
M 324-330mm

Growth of primaries slows after 72 days.  Branching more confidently, learning to perch, move around, and use wings for balance on branches.  Fledging can occur suddenly and without warning, although eaglet may look intently at nearby branches and appears to evaluate suitable landing spots.  First landing is usually awkward, and eaglet may end up on the ground. 

Day 67-73
F 350-356mm
M 360-366mm

By Day 80 primaries have reached 80% and rectrices 84% of their full length (achieved in the second winter).  Male primaries growth tapers off, but female primaries continue to grow after fledgeJuvenal feathers will be longer than those of mature adults and will become shorter with each molt until year 5.  Beak and hallux talon not yet fully grown at fledge (they will reach full size by the second or third winter).

Day 80
F 5100g (100%)
M 4000g (100%)
F 54mm
M 50mm
F 35.8mm
M 32.2mm
F 378mm
M 353mm

BC14 fledged unintentionally on Day 81, 5/31/19, but the eaglet was ready.  The branch on which it was perched broke and the eaglet fell but quickly recovered and flew strongly in the direction of trees across the creek.  

The new fledgling juvenile eagle returned to the nest 3 days later and visited several times before dispersing from the area for good.  Its sibling, BC15, fledged 8 days after BC14.

PERSONAL NOTE:  In my opinion the 2 eaglets at this nest in 2019 are of the same gender, either female-female or male-male (it is impossible to know which).  The younger may appear to be slightly smaller, but according to Bortolotti (1986a, 1986b), a younger sibling is almost always slightly smaller than an elder of the same gender.  A male develops earlier and more quickly, but a female eventually is noticeably larger, especially so if she is the elder.  (Male-female broods are quite rare.)  It is quite difficult to ascertain relative size because of the camera angle and lack of perspective, but at fledge I could not see a significant size difference between BC14 and BC15.



© elfruler 2019

The growth and development of a Bald Eaglet from hatch to fledge takes about 10-13 weeks.  Along a spectrum of morphological and behavioral states from least developed (“altricial“) to most developed (“precocial“), raptors fall near the minimally developed end.  Altricial hatchlings have few or no feathers, closed eyes, little to no mobility, no ability to thermoregulate, and need parental care to survive and grow.  Precocial hatchlings have a full layer of down feathers, open eyes, mobility and thermoregulating ability, ability to feed themselves, and are soon able to leave the nest.  Raptors are consideredsemi-altricial:  at hatch they have a thin layer of down but are unable to thermoregulate, their eyes are open or partly open although not yet able to focus or follow movements, they have some mobility, and they are entirely dependent on parents to survive and grow.

Thanks to the work of Gary Bortolotti and Jon M. Gerrard in Saskatchewan in the 1970s and 1980s, we have reliable information on the development of eagle nestlings from hatch to fledge, including weight and growth of the critical beak, feet, and wing feathers.  (Click here for References.)  Beak and feet grow faster than other body parts because they are essential tools for survival and take several weeks to be fully developed.  The “gangly” and “clownish” look of young eaglets is largely due to the disproportionate growth of feet and beaks.

Hatched with thin natal down, eaglets gain a thicker second set of down starting a week or so after hatching, and soon thereafter their body (contour) feathers begin to grow.  These feathers will become the juvenal (first-year) eagle’s smooth covering by the time it fledges.  They take several weeks to reach full length, especially the wing feathers which are not yet fully grown until after fledge.

Steadily emerging behaviors reflect the growth of the eaglet’s skeleton, muscles, feathers, and neurological systems.  As the days go by the eaglet develops the ability to hold up its head, maintain its balance, focus on and follow the parents with its eyes, reach out and eventually lunge for food from the parent’s beak and finally pull bites of food off a fish by itself.  Especially with the emergence of contour feathers, an eaglet engages in near constant preening, using its beak to remove the protective sheaths around the feathers and help the vanes unfurl and its barbs lock together.

It swiftly gains mobility, from pulling itself by its wings and pushing with its legs through the soft nest materials, to standing and walking on its hocks, stepping backwards toward the edge of the nest and tipping up onto its toes to expel wastes over the side, ultimately graduating to standing tall on its toes and walking around like its parents.

As wing feathers begin to grow the eaglet waves its arms and extends them overhead in a full body stretch (which falconers call “warbling”), then builds its breast muscles with vigorous flapping, flap-hopping, and finally catching the air to hover above the nest.  Inbetween all this activity, an eaglet spends many hours sleeping and resting, apparently doing nothing but growing.

The pages here follow the daily growth and development of the two eaglets at the Bluff City nest in Tennessee in 2019, through an online camera operated by East Tennessee State University (ETSU).  BC14 hatched on 11 March at 10:32 a.m., and BC15 hatched a day and a half later, 12 March by about 11:00 p.m.  Photos and videos here are from the Bluff City cam and are used by permission.

Heartfelt thanks to Michelle France, camera operator and keen observer at the ETSU nests, and to my long-time eagle-watching partner Donna Young for her careful observations of Bald Eagle behavior and eaglet development over the years, and her contributions to the descriptions on these pages.


©elfruler 2018

See MEASURING AN EAGLE for details on procedures and challenges of acquiring measurements and descriptions and figures of the features measured.   General References are given at this link, while References specific to each table below are given at the end of each table.

The charts below give measurements of adult and subadult Bald Eagles as reported in peer-reviewed publications.  I have omitted measurements that are questionable or not standard.  (If a reader knows of reports that I do not include here, please contact me with details.)

These numbers provide some context for consideration of several factors relating to size in Bald Eagles:


The age of a Bald Eagle during its first five years affects several measurements.

  • Beak and talons increase in size.
    • A Bald Eagle’s beak and talons are not fully grown at fledge but increase slowly in size over approximately its first 3 years. This is probably caused by a gradual buildup of the keratin layer over the underlying bones (which do appear to be fully grown at fledge) (Bortolotti 1984d).
  • Feathers decrease in length.
    • A juvenile, a fledgling eagle in its 1st year, has longer flight feathers (wing and tail) than it will ever have again.
    • With each successive molt of a subadult from its 2nd year through its 5th, the new flight feathers are a few millimeters shorter.
    • After reaching maturity, feather lengths of adults remain steady. But feathers wear down over time:  An individual Bald Eagle primary or secondary feather molts only every 3-4 years so it becomes progressively shorter over that period.  Also, a new flight feather can take 40-50 days to grow to its full length, so a measurement before it has finished growing will be misleading.
  • Weight.
    • Primarily because of the decreasing feather lengths, an eagle’s weight decreases slightly over its 1st 5 years.
  • Researchers cannot always be certain of the age of a particular bird, and some offer vague or imprecise descriptions of age, such as “second winter,” “immature,” or “subadult.”
  • Only measurements of the same eagle from one year to the next would yield meaningful comparisons, and this is possible only with a captive bird or with nestlings that are visited more than once before they fledge. Few such measurements exist.

Sexual dimorphism

  • Females are larger than males in general, although exceptions can exist. The numbers tabulated here indicate that the difference can be from 13-23%, although some publications and internet sites claim as much as 25-30%.
  • Adult females are larger than subadult females.
  • Adult males are not significantly larger than younger males. (Bortolotti 1984c)

Geographical location and “Bergmann’s rule”

  • It has been stated often that the size of Bald Eagles increases from south to north, and the so-called “Bergmann’s rule” is cited as an explanation for this phenomenon. The numbers in my tables do not necessarily confirm this “rule” for Bald Eagles, as discussed below.
  • “Bergmann’s rule” has roots in an 1847 article by Carl Bergmann, entitled “On the relationship of the warmth economy of animals to their size” (trans. Salewski and Watt 2016).
    • Bergmann described a “law” pertaining to warm-blooded animals (birds and mammals):
      • Since larger animals have a smaller ratio of body surface area to body volume, they expend less effort than smaller animals to maintain a constant internal body temperature. (The surface area is important for the dissipation of heat from the body to compensate for excessive environmental heat, while the volume is pertinent to heat production to warm the body in excessive cold.)
    • From this “law,” Bergmann hypothesized that larger animals need a cooler climate than smaller animals. Since in general environmental temperature is lower at higher latitudes (further north), it follows that larger animals would favor northern environments and smaller animals would favor southern environments, a concept that biologists refer to as a latitudinal size cline, a gradation of size from larger to smaller, in this case from north to south.
    • Bergmann tested the size cline hypothesis by comparing the relative sizes of species within a genus, only once mentioning the sizes of individuals within a single species (the White-tailed Eagle, see below). Using wingspan (not body volume, or weight) to compare size, he examined 310 species across 86 genera and concluded that the hypothesis of a latitudinal size cline is true in most (but not all) cases.
    • To address the exceptions, Bergmann noted that other factors besides latitude might be in play:
      • Altitude (mountainous habitats generally are cooler than lower elevations).
      • The reliability of wingspan as an indicator of size (e.g. the Merlin has a smaller wingspan than the European Hobby but can be of comparable weight and remains in northern climates through the winter).
      • Migratory habits (which may affect wingspan).
      • Quality of plumage.
    • Bergmann included Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in a sea-eagle taxon with White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla), Short-toed Eagles, and Ospreys, although he acknowledged that in his day there was disagreement about whether they all belong in the same genus (taxonomists today agree that they do not).
      • He noted that among White-tailed Eagles, which conform to the hypothesis in general, some smaller individuals may be found in the north and some larger ones in the south.
    • Bergmann himself never articulated a “rule” about a relationship between the size of an animal and its geographical location. Later researchers have formulated the “rule” in different ways, and there remain disagreements about its underlying assumptions, its application, and even its validity.
    • A latitudinal size cline does not apply to all species and genera of birds. Meiri and Dayan 2003 surveyed studies of 94 species of birds that provide reliable data on size and locale and concluded that “over 72% of birds…follow Bergmann’s rule.”
      • Among raptors found in North America, that includes Turkey Vultures, Peregrine Falcons, Sharp-Shinned Hawks, and Ospreys.
      • But several North American raptors do not follow “Bergmann’s rule”: Cooper’s Hawks (Whaley and White 1994) , Northern Goshawks (Whaley and White 1994), Red-tailed Hawks (Fitzpatrick and Dunk 1999), and Merlins (Temple 1972).
      • Meiri and Dayan did not include Bald Eagles in their survey because not enough studies were available that provide “data that were statistically tested for geographic variation.”
    • My tables here do not provide such data for Bald Eagles either. The sampling in the published literature is too small, variable, and arbitrary to either confirm or refute “Bergmann’s rule” in the case of Bald Eagles.
    • In fact, the numbers I have tabulated suggest that, as with White-tailed Eagles, which are close genetic relatives of Bald Eagles, some smaller individual Bald Eagles may be found in the north and some larger ones in the south. The ranges of weight and wingspan measurements in my tables illustrate some exceptions to “Bergmann’s rule” (ranges are given in parentheses and italics below the averages):
      • The highest weight among females was recorded in Illinois (6577g) and the lowest in Saskatechwan (4540g) – higher in the south, lower in the north.
      • The highest weight among males was found in Alaska (5625g) and the lowest also in Alaska (3633g) – both high and low in the north.
      • The longest wingspan among females was recorded in Alaska (2333.5mm) and the shortest in Illinois (2035mm) – longer in the north, shorter in the south.
      • But the longest wingspan among males was found in Alaska (2171.7mm) and the shortest in Saskatchewan (2027mm) – both long and short in the north.
    • In conclusion, until more systematic studies of Bald Eagles are done with large samplings of measurements across a full range of geographic locations, we cannot be certain which of the following is true:
      • Bald Eagles are more similar to Turkey Vultures, Ospreys, Peregrine Falcons, and Sharp-Shinned Hawks in always or almost always conforming to “Bergmann’s rule,” or,
      • Bald Eagles are more similar to their sister White-tailed Eagles in following the “rule” generally, but having many individual exceptions. Our limited data suggests that this is a more accurate statement.





Baird, S.F., T.M. Brewer, and R. Ridgway 1874.  A History of North American Birds: Volume III, Land Birds.  Little, Brown, and Co.: Boston.

Baldwin, S. P., H. C. Oberholser, and L.G. Worley 1931.  Measurements of Birds (1931).  Scientific Publications of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, OH.

Bent, A.C. 1937.  Life histories of North American birds of prey: order falconiformes.  Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

Bortolotti, G.R. 1984a.  Criteria for determining age and sex of nestling Bald EaglesJournal of Field Ornithology 55: 467-481.

Bortolotti, G.R. 1984c.  Sexual size dimorphism and age-related size variation in Bald Eagles.  The Journal of Wildlife Management 48: 72-81.

Bortolotti, G.R. 1984d.  Physical development of nestling Bald Eagles with emphasis on the timing of growth events.  The Wilson Bulletin 96: 524-542.

Broley, C.L. 1947.  Migration and nesting of Florida Bald Eagles.  The Wilson Bulletin. 59: 3-20.

Chura, N.J., and P.A. Stewart 1967.  Care, food consumption, and behavior of Bald Eagles used in DDT testsThe Wilson Bulletin. 79: 441-448.

Fitzpatrick, B.M. and J.R. Dunk 1999.  Ecogeographic variation in morphology of Red-Tailed hawks in western North America.  Journal of Raptor Research 33: 305-312.

Friedmann, H. 1950.  The birds of North and Middle America: A descriptive catalog.  Part XI.  Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Gerrard, J.M. and G.R. Bortolotti 1988.  The Bald Eagles: Haunts and Habits of a Wilderness Monarch.  Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington and London.

Gerrard, J.M., A.R. Harmata, and P.N. Gerrard 1992.  Home range and activity of a pair of Bald Eagles breeding in northern Saskatchewan.  Journal of Raptor Research 26: 229-234.

Imler, R.H. and E.R. Kalmbach 1955.  The Bald Eagle and its economic status.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 30.

Maestrelli, J.R. and S.N. Wiemeyer 1975.  Breeding Bald Eagles in captivityThe Wilson Bulletin 87: 45-53.

Meiri, S. and T. Dayan 2003.  On the validity of Bergmann’s ruleJournal of Biogeography 30: 331-351.

Palmer, R.S., ed. 1988.  Handbook of North American Birds vol. 4: Family Cathartidae, New World condors and vultures; Family Accipitridae (first part), Osprey, kites, bald eagle and allies, accipiters, harrier, buteo allies.  Yale University Press, New Haven and London: 187-237.

Salewski, V. and C. Watt 2016.  Bergmann’s rule: a biophysiological rule examined in birdsOikos 126: 161-172.

Southern, W.E. 1964.  Additional observations on winter Bald Eagle populations: including remarks on biotelemetry techniques and immature plumagesThe Wilson Bulletin 64: 121-137.

Stalmaster, M.  The Bald Eagle.  Universe Books, New York.

Temple, S.A. 1972.  Systematics and evolution of the North American merlins.  Auk 89: 325-338.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Forensic Laboratory.  The Feather Atlas: Flight feathers of North American birds.

Whaley, W.H. and C.M. White 1994.  Trends in geographic variation of Cooper’s hawk and Northern goshawk in Northern America: a multivariate analysis.  Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 5: 161-209.

Wright, B.S. 1953.  The relation of Bald Eagles to breeding ducks in New Brunswick.  The Journal of Wildlife Management 17: 55-62.


©elfruler 2018

Acquiring accurate measurements of a bird is a tricky business, and it turns out that there are relatively few peer-reviewed publications that report measurements for Bald Eagles.  In the pages that follow I present tabulations of the credible numbers of which I am aware.  I begin with some general information on measurements and measuring.  General References are given at this link.

What are the sources of measurements?

The most reliable measurements are taken from a live, wild, healthy eagle, but capturing one is difficult and rarely attempted.  Some researchers have used captive eagles, recently deceased eagles, and museum specimens for measurements, but these present some issues that must be considered:

  • Permanently disabled eagles in captivity may have different measurements from those of their cousins in the wild because of richer diets, less exercise, irregular feather molt, abnormal beak length and depth (due to inconsistent feaking), etc.
  • A rescued eagle in distress is usually dehydrated and emaciated, so its weight is likely to be lower than normal. After being treated in rehab for days or weeks during recovery, its diet may be richer and more abundant than it would be had the eagle continued living in the wild, which coupled with a reduced level of activity may result in a higher weight than normal at its release.
  • A recently deceased eagle can yield accurate measurements unless the eagle succumbed to injury or starvation, or the body has decomposed or been disfigured by a predator.
  • Measurements of carcasses that have ended up as prepared skin specimens in museums or other collections can be useful for some features, such as talons, bill depth, wing length, and tail length. But a specimen is subject to drying and shrinkage which can affect some measurements such as total length, bill width, tarsus width, wing chord, wingspan, and individual feather length.  And since most bones are absent from prepared skins, weight and most skeletal measurements are impossible.  Specimens also can yield erroneous sex classifications, especially with younger birds.  (Bortolotti 1984c)

How do researchers measure?

  • Scales, calipers, and tape measures are standard tools.
    • Digital scales give more precise readings than analog scales. All scales should be well calibrated.
    • Methods for positioning the bird on scales and for a linear measurement can be surprisingly challenging and require study of best practices as well as training and practice.
  • Measurements are best reported in universally used metric units (grams, millimeters, etc.), although some earlier studies and a few recent ones use the “traditional” American system of pounds, ounces, feet, and inches.
    • For ease of comparison, here I use metric units including conversions where necessary.
  • For features that incorporate a curve or arc, such as the folded wing, talons, beak, and feathers, the measurement is of the chord, or a straight line between two end points, thus disregarding the curve. Measuring the curve itself requires a calculation based on the shape of the curve and may lead to only an approximate measurement that can make comparisons difficult.  Feathers and wings are not rigid and can be flattened to eliminate the curve, but this can introduce inconsistencies or inaccuracies and is generally avoided by researchers.
  • Reliable statistical analysis requires a sampling of a large enough number of birds to provide minimum, maximum, and average measurements. The notation “N=x,” where x is the number of birds examined, conveys the size of the sampling.  In general the average is the mean.  Some researchers calculate a standard deviation (SD).

What features do researchers measure?

P. Baldwin, H. C. Oberholser, and L.G. Worley, Measurements of Birds (1931) established a comprehensive and standardized system of obtaining linear measurements of the various parts of birds, which continues to guide researchers. It includes detailed discussion of procedures and challenges and the tools needed to obtain accurate and consistent measurements, along with drawings showing what to measure, how to position the bird, and where to place the tools.

  • Subsequent studies of raptors have offered nuances and modifications necessary for measuring these species.
  • The authors of some studies do not always make clear what exactly what they measured or what procedures they followed, or their procedures may not conform to standard practices. For example, some authors do not indicate whether they used live birds or specimens, they may omit important information on the geographical origins, age, or sex of the birds, or they may use unorthodox techniques without explanation.

The following measurements of Bald Eagles have been reported in published literature.  (Figures from Baldwin et al. 1931 are used under the license agreement with Creative Commons.  Figures from Bortolotti 1984a are used with permission of The Journal of Field Ornithology.  Figures from Bortolotti 1984c are used with permission of The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MD.)

  • Weight, which would seem to be a straightforward measurement to obtain simply by putting the bird on a scale.  But several factors can skew the reading, and researchers do not always indicate whether they have addressed them:
    • A malnourished or otherwise unhealthy bird.
    • Contents of the stomach and crop, which can vary widely from hour to hour or day to day (according to Gerrard & Bortolotti 1988, a Bald Eagle’s crop can hold about 15% of its body weight). A desirable reading would be a “net” weight with empty stomach and crop.
    • Time of year the bird is weighed, as for instance for females in the lead up to egg-laying when they can gain weight and afterwards when they can lose weight, or around migration or dispersal season which could begin with weight gain and end with weight loss.
    • Recently deceased birds can give an accurate weight, but specimens will not.
  • Length of the bird from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail.  This measurement is taken with the bird lying flat on its back, its head and tail stretched as flat against the table surface as possible.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 1)
    • This is not the “height” of the bird, which on many internet sites seems to mean a measurement from the crown of the head to either the tip of the tail or the bottom of the feet while the bird is perched or standing. This “height” usually is stated as being about 3 feet for a Bald Eagle, although the method of measuring this is rarely specified.
    • This measurement can be difficult to obtain with a high degree of accuracy because of variability in stretching the neck.  Skin specimens will not give an accurate measurement.
    • There are few reported measurements of a Bald Eagle’s length in the ornithological literature.
  • Depth of the beak, from the maxilla at the front (anterior) edge of the cere to the opposite point on the lower mandible.  (Bortolotti 1984c, Fig. 1c)
    • The exact place at which this measurement is taken can result in significant variation in the measurement and thus can be unreliable for comparison purposes.
      • Specimens can provide accurate readings unless the carcass was dried with the beak open.





  • Width of the beak, the widest point where the cere meets the feathers.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 13)
    • The exact point at which this measurement is taken can cause significant variation in the reading and thus is not always reliable for comparison purposes.
    • Specimens provide less reliable readings.
  • Length of the exposed culmen of the beak, the chord of the beak from the tip of the culmen (the curve on the top of the upper mandible) to the front (anterior) edge of the cere, thus the length of the culmen without cere.   (See above, Bortolotti 1984c, Fig. 1a)
    • Specimens can provide reliable readings.
    • Some researchers measure the culmen with cere, i.e. to the back (posterior) edge of the cere where the feathers begin, although they do not always say so; these are not included here.
  • Length of the beak from the gape, a straight line (chord) from the tip of the upper mandible to the gape or corner of the mouth.
    • Specimens provide less reliable readings. (See above, Bortolotti 1984c Fig. 1b).
  • Length of the foot, or foot pad, the bottom of the foot from the end of the middle toe to the end of the hallux toe, with both toes fully extended and not including the talons.  (Bortolotti 1984a, Fig. 1)
    • Taking this measurement on a live bird can be challenging unless the bird is anesthetized and thus relaxed.  Specimens usually will not yield accurate results unless the toes were extended during preparation before the skin dries out.
  • Tarsus or tarsometatarsus, the “foot” or lowest part of the leg, from which two measurements can be made:
    • Length, from the intratarsal joint where the ankle meets the heel to just above the base of the middle toe below the lowest scute (scale) on the leg. This measurement is a long diagonal from the intratarsal joint at the back of the leg to the base of the toe at the front of the foot.  Reports of this measurement can vary, perhaps because of imprecision of identifying the end points.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 136)
    • Width, which Baldwin et al. 1931 prescribe should be taken at the midpoint of the tarsus. The tarsus is wider when measured from front to back and narrower when measured from one side to the other; generally the front-to-back diameter of the tarsus is measured (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 137).   But the few reported measurements for Bald Eagles are taken just above the toes at the narrowest point of the tarsus, and calculations are of an average of two measurements taken front-to-back and side-to-side, yielding mean width rather than diameter.  Either way, width is a highly variable measurement in reports, and specimens do not always yield reliable readings (Bortolotti 1984a and Bortolotti 1984c).
  • Middle toe (the 3rd and longest digit), measured from above, from its base at the metatarsal joint outward to the end of the toe, not including the talon.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 139)
    • The toe must be extended as straight as possible.
  • Length of the hallux talon, the chord from the talon’s tip to the point on top where it emerges from the skin of the toe.  (See above, Bortolotti 1984c, Fig. 1d)
    • Specimens can provide reliable readings.
  • Length of a feather, the chord of the shaft from where it enters the skin to its tip, without flattening the shaft. (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 114)
    • For Bald Eagles this is usually done only on flight feathers.
    • See these photos of Bald Eagle primaries and secondaries from the U.S.F.W.S. Feather Atlas.
  • Tail, the longest point from the bases of the feathers at the skin to the tips, measured with the tail closed, the ruler placed between the two innermost, or central rectrix, feathers.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 120)
    • Specimens can give reliable readings of this measurement.
  • Wing chord, the length of the closed, unflattened wing from the wrist joint to the feather tips.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 101)
    • Some reported Bald Eagle measurements appear to have been taken with flattened wings, hence are longer than measurements of the chord; these are not included here.
    • Specimens may not give reliable measurements.
  • Wingspan, between the tips of the outstretched wings with feathers, measured with the bird lying flat on its back.  (Baldwin et al. 1931, Fig. 98)
    • Attempts to measure while the bird is standing or perched are less reliable and consistent.
    • Care must be taken not to injure the wings by over-stretching or flattening them.
    • Specimens will not give accurate readings.
    • There are surprisingly few Bald Eagle wingspan measurements reported in the literature.