The codes in this document are my shorthand for referring to nests throughout this website. Each code begins with the state or province in which the nest is found.
A note about the Channel Islands codes: Observers of those nests have long used a shorthand of their own, e.g. WE = West End. Rather than devising my own codes, I have adapted theirs, adding a letter that indicates which island the nest is on:
- c = Catalina Island (e.g. CA cWE = Catalina Island, West End nest)
- m = San Clemente Island (e.g. CA mBC = San Clemente Island, Bald Canyon nest)
- p = Anacapa Island (e.g. CA pOC = Anacapa Island, Oak Canyon nest)
- r = Santa Rosa Island (e.g. CA rLC =Santa Rosa Island, Lopez Canyon nest)
- z = Santa Cruz Island (e.g. CA zSC = Santa Cruz Island, Sauces Canyon nest)
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