The pages I have published under this tab (Bald Eagle Nest Cams) as well as elsewhere on the website, present information I have gathered from Judy Barrows’ charts, the Hancock Wildlife Forum, the Channel Islands EagleCAM Forum, the Hornby Eagle Group Projects Society forum, individual nest cam websites, numerous Facebook pages and groups, and my own observations.
Here you will find:
- Links to all of the Bald Eagle online streaming cams that I am aware of. Please contact me if you discover any broken links, incorrect information, or new links not listed.
- A list of all Bald Eagle nests (including some that do not have streaming cams) from which I have mined data and information about breeding activities, which I have used on many pages throughout this web site. The list includes shorthand codes that I use to refer to the nests.
- Monthly calendars of egg-laying dates at nests observed from 2006 through the spring of 2024.
- Summary reports on the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 seasons.
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